You are stronger than you think

My apologies for being away for so long. It feel so good to be back blogging after such a long time* happy face. 

I hope everyone is doing good and staying strong? 

In life, there will always be that challenge that we are facing, we'll never catch a break. As soon as we overcome one situation, here comes another. That's how life goes! 

You might be saying to yourself that your situation is way worst than anyone else, that's not true! You will be shocked to know that, that always nicely dressed, always happy co worker of yours is going through more worst situation than yours but he/she have chosen to stay strong, put up a fight with a smile. They have decided not to allow whatever situation they are going through dictate the outcome of their life.

We all have a purpose, there is a reason we are here on earth. Our purpose is way more than any challenges we are facing. The fact remains that these challenges are distractions to stop you from becoming who God Almighty have created you to be.  When you know this and you start making that conscious effort to becoming who God has intended for you to be, very soon you will look around you and realize that those problems that look like the highest mountains are as tiny as one grain of sand under you feet.

You just have to trust God! 
He allow the bad situation not because he didn't love you but to show you how strong He has created you to be. 
You can do this! 
God has your back! 
You are stronger than you think!

Remember what doesn't kill you make you stronger, and when life gives you lemon, keep them because hey, they are free. Just kidding! 

When life gives you lemon, squeeze it and make lemonade out of it.

Go out there in the strength of our God and be the best version of who He has created you to be!

Much love!


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