What to do with Worry

Life will always present things to worry about. There will always be concerns in this world that vie for our time and attention. We have to learn how to deal with these things in a biblical way so that they don't hold us back. We may be tempted to worry, but worry isn't the answer. Worry gets us nowhere. It doesn't add anything to us nor does it change our circumstances. The only thing worry will change is your attitude. Worry will make you frustrated, irritable and suspicious. Worry will distract you, steal your energy and choke your blessing!
How do we overcome worry? Jesus tells us in scripture. Do you remember what He said to Martha and Mary? They were sisters, and He was at their home having dinner. Mary was sitting with Him and listening to His every word while Martha was working, frustrated and worried. Martha even complained to Jesus, and He asked her, "Martha, why are you so worried and anxious about so many things?" She wasn't living in the moment or even enjoying herself.
Have you ever worried so much about something good in your life that you didn't even enjoy it? Notice that when Martha came to Jesus, He never discounted her concerns, He simply addressed the way she was handling her concerns. She came to Jesus complaining about Mary. Mary wasn't worried or upset. She wasn't fretting. Mary was soaking in the presence of Jesus and learning from Him. Jesus said that Mary chose the greater thing.
While Martha was busy and stressed out, she was literally being pulled away from Jesus. On the other hand, Mary wasn't worrying, and she was being drawn to Jesus. That's because worry causes us to go in the wrong direction. If you are filled with worry today, it's time to take action and win the war on worry once and for all!
So what do we do about worry? Philippians 4:6-7 gives us the answer. "Do not be anxious about anything, BUT in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
Responsibilities are never going to go away. God never said we shouldn't be aware or take care of business. But God wants us to turn our worry list into our prayer list. He wants us to give Him those concerns because He knows how to handle them, and He knows what's best. He cares for us and about us. When we turn our attention to Him, when we give Him our worry, He will give us His peace and direct our steps into the life of blessing He has prepared! 
By Victoria Osteen


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