Your Set Time to Overcome

In Psalm 102, this man was having an incredibly difficult time. He began to pray and went into great detail to list all of his troubles. He said, "God, I'm sick. I'm down to skin and bones. I can't sleep at night. I've lost all of my income. I'm lonely. My friends have left me. My enemies taunt me all day long. Now I'm just sitting among the ashes." For eleven verses, he goes on and on telling how about how miserable his life is and how he feels overwhelmed by his trouble. Just reading it can make you feel depressed. Just when you think he's about to give up, he says in verse 12, "But You, O Lord, are still on the throne. For You will arise and have mercy on Zion; for the time to favor her, yes, the set time, has come."
Zion is the church. You can put your own name in place of Zion. "For You will arise and have mercy on Linda; for the time to favor her, yes, the set time, has come." "You will arise and have mercy on those people at Lakewood; for the time to favor them, yes, the set time, has come."
In this set time, God will step in against your enemies. You won't have to fight those battles, the Most High will arise. And when He arises, enemies will be scattered. When He arises, sicknesses will be defeated, addictions will be broken, lack, struggle, poverty will come to an end. He's going before you clearing the path, pushing back the forces of darkness, making a way where you could not go before.
I'm challenging you: don't talk yourself out of it. You may feel like you're in verse 1 through 11 right now, but come on down to verse 12 and 13. Dare to say, "But You, O Lord, are still on the throne. You have set this time to favor me!" What God lifts up, no person can push down. What God blesses, all the forces of darkness cannot curse! Let your attitude be, "Yes, this obstacle looks big, this sickness, this legal situation. But I know a secret: God is still on the throne, and He has set this time for me to overcome!"
By Victoria Osteen


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