Miracles or Coincidences

I came across a story on Facebook a while ago about Tunrayo, a Nigerian woman who had given birth to her first child at the age of 60. 

Turanyo who got married to her husband Paul Alagbe, at the age of 43 in 1998 had to wait 16 long years and finally she was delivered of a baby girl on 29th December, 2014.

Turanyo and Paul Alagbe

She describe how she had prayed, believed and painfully waited for a miracle for 16 painful years in a society were having children is important; anyone without a child is treated with disrespect.

This got me thinking if stories like these are really miracles or mere coincidences.

 How can one believe in what society have terms to be "impossible"; what defies all logical explanation, pray for it and  strongly believe it and it becomes her reality.

Logical reasoning will explains how impossible it is for a 60 years-old woman who have long past menopause to get pregnant; they will argue that the odds against it happening is overwhelming. 

How is that even possible when even at 38 years- old, most women are advised by medical science to start freezing their eggs.
A 35 years old pregnant woman is termed high risk by medical science and according to them, she needs to be monitored for her safety and that of her baby's.

Some call these occurrence coincidence but the chances are that of the 7 billion people living on earth these are not just random events that just happens; there are not explicable by natural or scientific laws but are considered to be the work of a Devine force, which when it happens, it feels us all with awe and wonderment.

Imagine the universe, the world, the sun, the moon and all the stars, they're perfectly and strategically kept in place. It is no coincidence that they're positioned where they are and functioning in the capacity that they're functioning.

It is no coincidence that a sperm and egg can together form and transformed into a fetus, then into a full grown human being who lives on until he gets old, dies and what happens after that?

All these are divinely orchestrated by a devine force/power.

I for one acknowledge the existence of coincidence; I also believe strongly in Miracles and the power of the devine nature at work.

 I believed in all the miracles in the bible; Sarah having a child at the age of 90, people being raised from the dead, shutting the mouth of lions and all the that. 

I believe it's still happening now because God is the same yesterday, today and forever! He changeth not.
 He is still in the habit of performing miracles here on earth!

What do you think? 
Do you believe in miracles or strong coincidence?


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