
Showing posts from November, 2015

A Story of the Chinese Bamboo

Happy Sunday!

A Track from My Playlist

I've decided to share a track from my playlist with all of you. It's one of my favorite songs and I always like to listen to it when ever I'm in that situation where I begin to doubt myself. It's called Hall of Fame, by The Script an Irish pop rock band featuring  This song always reminds me of the power that God has placed in us as humans.  JESUS said in  Mathew 17:20 ..."Truely I tell you, If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you" . II Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline. This song reminds me that though I believe 100% in God, God still wants me to be confident of his power that is at work in me. The power that I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me; The power that states that all things are possible to him that believe. God has placed value in you ...

Help! God is Punishing Me for My Poor Choices

Let say you're a believing single christian, praying to God for a life partner. You meet someone you're attracted and interested in, who claims to be on the same faith level as you; deep within your spirit mind you can tell that something don't quite add up. You ignore every warning sign by the Holy Spirit!  You date and finally married this person and then realize the person was not truly who he/she claimed to be all along.  You find yourself in a miserable marriage that you consider a living hell; then you start believing that since you disobeyed the warnings of the spirit of God, it was all your fault. God is punishing you for making the wrong choice and the least you can do is to accept the circumstance the way it is.  The truth is God does not punish us for the poor choices we make.  II Peter3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promises, as some understand slowness. Instead HE is patient with you, not wanting anyone to p...

Something To Brighten Your Day.

Have a blessed day everyone!

Many Reasons To Be Thankful

I hope you find a reason to be thankful today!  Don't be like the nine remaining lepers who after being healed by Jesus went their ways not returning back to give thanks for being healed. The only one who returned to thank Jesus, was the one that ended up being healed for real.            Luke 17:11-19 Taking a look at my life today, though I'm faced with a problem that I'm wondering how in the world I'm going to deal with it. I've come to the realization that this problem has weight me down and made me blind to my many other blessings. So today I'm making the decision to stop ignoring the remaining 99 reasons to be thankful but instead Ignore just the 1 reason that has held me bound in the bondage of ingratitude for this long.  I'm trusting God that as I do this He will take care of that one problem. Look around you, there's a lot to be thankful for; from having a family to celebrate with, living in a good country (...
I feel encouraged going through these quotes so I've decided to share it with you all; I hope it encourages you as much as it did with me. Enjoy you day!
Hi everyone. I've created this blog to share everyday's experiences to educate, entertain and encourage anyone who needs it.  I hope you will find this blog interesting? If you do, please feel free to share my posting on your social media and don't forget to share a word about it. Thanks, Favour's dairy