
Showing posts from April, 2016

You'll Not be Broken, You'll Come Out Better

You've to learn to rejoice while you're going through life's major setbacks.  Don't let that heartbreak, disappointments or whatever obstacles you're presently dealing with put you down. You've the Almighty God; the one who created the entire universe in seven days backing you. He will not let evil overtake you, neither will He give you more than you can bear. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose Refuse to be intimidated by this problems, look that obstacle in the eye and let it know what you God has done and what your God is capable of doing. Dare to trust God,  and you will see that those problems will begin to fade away. Romans 8:37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Believe me, you'll smile again. You'll come out with testimonies of your God's goodness. You'...

Thought of the Day


Daily Devotion: The Waitress

Be ye . . . merciful, as your Father also is merciful. - Luke 6:36 (KJV)   After a long day of driving through the desert, my husband and I spied a little cafe and were anxious to eat and get back on the road. Our young waitress was quite frazzled and distracted. We were disappointed when she brought our dinner, and it was different from what we had ordered. I was still complaining to my husband when she brought our bill. With a quiet sigh, she said, “I’m sorry for the mix-up. I guess I’m just not in the swing of things yet. This is my first day back from maternity leave.” Instantly, my attitude changed. This new mother had left her baby with someone else so she could wait on us — customers with bad attitudes. Instead of complaining to her boss as I had planned, I asked about her newborn and gave her a hug. We left a large tip, and I prayed for her as I walked back to the car. Today’s verse says, “Be merciful.” It does not say to be merciful only if you know the...

Bible Verse for Today


Friday's Thought


Daily Devotion: Fear Leads to Worry

And who of you by worrying and being anxious can add one unit of measure (cubit) to his stature or to the span of his life?   —Matthew 6:27  Fear and worry are closely related. You might say fear is the parent of every kind of worry because every worry starts as a fear. The Bible clearly teaches that God’s children are not to worry. When we worry, we rotate our minds around and around a problem and come up with no answers. The more we do it, the more anxious we feel. When we worry, we actually torment ourselves with a type of thinking that produces no good fruit. Worry starts with our thoughts, but it affects our moods and even our physical bodies.  A person can worry so much that it makes them feel depressed and sad. Worry places stress on your entire system and causes a lot of physical ailments like headaches, tension in muscles, stomach problems, and many other things. It never helps, and it does not solve our problems.  We can worry about hundreds o...

Bible Verse of the Day

I pray you all have a blessed day, and don't forget to shine your light.

Daily Devotion: Clean Screen

‘We have been justified [that is, acquitted of sin, declared blameless before God] by faith.’  Romans 5:1 AMP Do you ever worry that you’re not good enough to be a Christian? Yeah, that’s definitely not just you. Being a Christian can be tough at times. And the truth is, however hard we try, we all fall short somewhere (take a look at Romans 3:23 - sorry, all you perfectionists out there). Even David, who God called ‘a man after my own heart’ (Acts 13:22 NIV) made some monumental mistakes. You’ll always be a work-in-progress (remember, only God is perfect), but that doesn’t mean you’re going to lose your place in heaven. Romans 4:24 assures us that ‘God will also count us as righteous if we believe in him’ (NLT). Because we thank Jesus for what He did, and do our very best to live in a way that shows that, we’ll have God’s forgiveness, even if we mess up sometimes (or even a lot). As part of His family, He wants you to stay close to Him. (See Romans 6:1-3 for details on not...

Bible Verse of the Day

Top of the morning peeps. I hope you'll have a blessed day! I love you all but God love you more.

Thought of the Day


Daily Devotion: Joy in Sharing

We . . . offer our sacrifice of praise to God by telling others of the glory of his name. —Hebrews 13:15 (TLB) Jesus knew that one of the real tests of our yieldedness to God is our willingness to share with others. If we have no mercy toward others  that is one proof that we have never experienced God’s mercy. Emerson must have been reading the gauge of human mercy when he said, “What you are speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.” Satan does not care how much you theorize about Christianity, or how much you profess to know Christ. What he opposes vigorously is the way you live Christ. Some time ago a lady wrote and said, “I am 65 years old. My children are all married, my husband is dead, and I am one of the loneliest people in all the world.” It was suggested to her that she find a way of sharing her religious faith and her material goods with those around her. She wrote a few weeks later and said, “I am the happiest woman in town. I have found a new joy and hap...

Bible Verse of the Day

I pray you all have a beautiful day. May today be the best of all the days you've spent on earth. May your joy be complete. I pray you find that one thing that will give you joy. Have a blessed day.

Video: 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) - Matt Redman

I love this song by Matt Redman and I've been meaning to share it with all of you.  I hope you enjoy it.

Sunday Thought


Daily Devotion: Relief for the Troubled

[God will] give relief to you who are troubled.  2 Thessalonians 1:7 One of my favorite scenes in literature occurs when a feisty aunt confronts an evil stepfather over the abuse of her nephew, David Copperfield. This scene takes place in Charles Dickens’ novel named after the main character. When David Copperfield shows up at his aunt’s house, his stepfather is not far behind. Aunt Betsy Trotwood is not pleased to see the malicious Mr. Murdstone. She recounts a list of offenses and does not let him slither out of his responsibility for each act of cruelty. Her charges are so forceful and truthful that Mr. Murdstone—a normally aggressive person—finally leaves without a word. Through the strength and goodness of Aunt Betsy’s character, David finally receives justice. There is Someone else who is strong and good, and who will one day right the wrongs in our world. When Jesus returns, He will come down from heaven with a group of powerful angels. He will “give relief to...

Bible Verse of the Day

Hi peeps! I apologise for being away for these couple of days, I'm back and Promise to keep the post coming.  Thanks for your love and supports. Have a lovely day!

Enjoy Your Day!


Daily Devotion: Eternal Security - You Can Be Sure

Hebrews 7:24-25 We spend a lot of time worrying about physical needs—such as our house, car, food, finances, and health. All these are important in our life, but one form of assurance supersedes all the others. God desires for us to be confident in Him and in His saving grace. He gives us several reasons to be sure of our eternal security. Jesus makes a personal promise to all believers: “No one will snatch [you] out of My hand” ( John 10:28 )—and He does not make promises unless He intends to keep them. To assume that we can take an action that would separate us from the Lord once we have been saved would essentially be calling Him a liar. The hand of God is used throughout Scripture as a symbol of His strength. Once we have received Christ, we are safely in His palm, and no force or action can remove us. If Satan could snatch us away, either by tempting us into sin or through his own power, it would mean he is stronger than God. We know that isn’t true because God is omnipote...

Bible Verse of the Day

Have a blessed day peeps!

Thought of the Day


Daily Devotion: Avoid Worldly Competition

Let us not become vainglorious and self-conceited, competitive and challenging and provoking and irritating to one another, envying and being jealous of one another.  —Galatians 5:26  According to the world's system, the best place to be is ahead of everyone else. Popular thinking would say that we should try to get to the top no matter who we have to hurt on the way up. But the Bible teaches us that there is no such thing as real peace until we are delivered from the need to compete with others.  Even in what is supposed to be considered "fun games," we often see competition get so out of balance that people end up arguing and hating one another rather than simply relaxing and having a good time together. Naturally, human beings don't play games to lose; everyone is going to do his best. But when a person cannot enjoy a game unless he is winning, he definitely has a problem—possibly a deep-rooted one that is causing other problems in many areas of his li...

Bible Verse of the Day

Enjoy you day sweethearts!

Video: The Incredible Power of A Thought

I'll like to share this short video from Pastor Paul Adefarasin about your thought pattern with you all.   I hope you find it useful.

I'm Waiting Lord, I Really Am

Ever felt like you had been patient, but it seemed like too much time had passed? We tend to think God has forgotten the desires of our hearts, but we need to remember that He has it all under control. There are certain questions to consider during this waiting period. 1. Are we ready? 2. Have we been pruned enough for the task? 3. Is it the timing of the Lord? This third question is extremely vital, because if we are not prepared and go ahead of God’s timing, our ministry will not succeed. God has purposes ordained for us to accomplish. Each person has been called of God and has a purpose and a destiny in God's kingdom. For some, it is in the public eye. For others, it is behind the scenes. It may be a leadership position or in the ministry of helps. You can have more than one talent or gift, but there lies in each of us a passion for something. We may know what we are to do, or we may still be in that seeking mode. Our heart’s cry might be one of the two fol...

Thought of the Day


Daily Devotion: Unconventional Tactics

We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.  2 Chronicles 20:12 In 1980, a woman hopped on a subway during the Boston Marathon. No big deal, except for one small detail. She was supposed to be  running  the marathon! Later, witnesses saw her jump into the race less than a mile from the finish line. She finished well ahead of all the other female runners, and oddly, she wasn’t winded or even sweating much. For a brief time she looked like the winner. In a conflict long ago, a people who were losing a battle found a more honorable way to win. When messengers told King Jehoshaphat, “A vast army is coming against you from Edom,” he was terrified (2 Chron. 20:2-3). But instead of turning to typical military tactics, Jehoshaphat turned to God. He acknowledged God’s supremacy and admitted his own fear and confusion. “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you” (v. 12). Then the king chose singers to lead the army into battle. Instead of a war cry, they...

Bible Verse of the Day

Happy New week! I pray that this week to us, will  be the best of all weeks. Go out and be the best version of who God has created you to be. Much love from me to you xo

Saw this and I'm Sharing it Here


The package

Recently, I got a package notice from the post office. Because I was not expecting a package, I thought, "Oh no, it’s probably a package from some company that I will not want, so I will have to go to the trouble of sending it back…" Later that day a good friend mentioned to me that I should be getting something in the mail from him. Well, my attitude about the package waiting for me at the post office changed immediately because I now knew who had sent it! I was excited to see what it was, so I went expectantly to the post office as soon as I could. I was delighted to get a set of stainless steel pots for backpacking as a thank you from some friends I had recently taken on a backpacking trip! I fired off a thank you note that night. Later that evening I had a thought… In life there are many unexpected packages…Some I like and others I don’t. I have come to realize that no matter what comes, God is in control.  Even in moments of bewilderment or despair in the p...

Video: Yabo- Solomon Lange

I enjoyed this video, I hope you enjoy it as well.

Discouraged? Stand Strong!

Families have a lot of problems. Lies, betrayal, divorce, anger, violence — all add up to discouragement. Sometimes we feel, what is the point?! We might as well give up because so much seems to working against us. But in Daniel 6, I am reminded of the power of standing firm in difficult times. Daniel knew this first hand. He was framed and about to be thrown to the lions, literally. Prior to this, Daniel had favor with the king and was given power in his kingdom. For whatever reason (e.g., jealousy, competition, etc.), those under Daniel's rule plotted a way to entrap Daniel so that the king would have to get rid of him. The way they entrapped Daniel was to find him doing the thing they could not stop him from doing - praying. Prayer was what centered Daniel, kept him connected to God and trusting in Him. Prayer helped Daniel confront a dangerous culture and stand in the midst of opposition. In prayer, Daniel could hold on to God and His promises. He could withstand the...

Thought of the Day


Daily Devotion: Springing Back

The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust him.  - Nahum 1:7 (NIV) My job at a nursery involves propagating trees. Taking a small bud from one variety of tree, we graft it onto the root stock of another variety. In time, the two develop as one — growing tall and seemingly strong — but the process does not end there. When the tree has matured, we check it by using the simple test of pushing against the trunk. If the graft has properly healed, the tree will bend with the pressure and spring back when released. If the graft has not healed, the tree may still look healthy; but when force is applied, hidden weakness is exposed and the trunk will snap off at the graft. So it is when the pressures of life push in on us and our faith is tested. If our spiritual life has little depth, all may look well; but like the tree, we may easily break under stress. Spending time in God’s presence through prayer and daily reading of scripture p...

Bible Verse of the Day

Hi everyone! I'm so excited about today, I can feel it already; I know today is going to be a very good day, no matter what circumstance you're in, don't feel discourage because God Almighty is in control and He's got your back. He loves you so much and He'll do everything to prove His love to you, keep that truth in mind as you step out today. Much love xo

Daily Devotion: Not as Safe as It Might Seem

So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. Genesis 3:6 Matt Bell thought himself lucky when a fellow worker discovered the Civil War cannonball at the construction site where both of them worked.   The cannonball weighed in around 32 pounds. To stop it from rolling all over, Bell used his vehicle's seatbelt to strap it down snugly. As he drove, a desire to learn more about the artifact took him to the Civil War museum close to his home in Hot Springs, Arkansas. At the museum he was surprised to learn the relic was  not  a solid Civil War cannonball. Not knowing exactly what he had, Bell drove home and called the police. The police called the Little Rock Air Force Base. The Air Force sent out a squad to investigate. They soon discovered that 1. the ...

Bible Verse for Today

Have a splendid weekend everyone. Much love xo